AMUMALAND wellness park

In partnership with like minded friends, Amumaland is an upcoming project that focuses on creating a wellness and lifestyle hub. It will be a learning center where a variety of conscious lifestyle workshops and trainings will be held. Amumaland will also serve as a retreat center, an ecovillage, a healing center, a demo farm, a learning center, and most of all, a holistic center for self-transformation.

Amumaland in due time will open its doors to society, to people from all walks of life, and to minds that are open and exploring. Think of it as version one, which will evolve as we learn from experience.

Each of you will come to the gates of Amumaland, with your own story of curiosity and understanding. Amumaland provides a space for the fellowship of curious minds and explorers. We will inspire you to the depths of your being.

Amumaland is a place where every corner affirms that health is indeed one of our greatest wealth. Health, Inner Peace and Inner Well-being outperform all asset classes in the long term.

Amumaland will be situated in Barangay Tubod San Fernando Cebu, Philippines.